This printable genealogy family research journal is used in family tree research to assist in organizing sources. Print this form or save it to your computer to chart research activity for specific family groups.
This document provides a space for the family or individual along with the research subject and family group / family tree number if you use a numbering system to organize specific families.
The table provides an area for the date, time searched, the source material and result. This allows you to track the background information on each specific item. A critical tool used for family tree research, this is one of the most widely used forms that we publish.
Download Family Research Journal – PDF

Organizing your research efforts will go a long way to prevent overlapping your genealogy research efforts.
When you come across great research sources such as cemeteries, newspapers, town digests or local history books, you can document them in the space under “good reference sources.”
The “future ignore list” is where you will list misleading sources of information that appear to relate to an individual you are researching but turns out to contain data on another individual or family instead.