We are looking for one or more individuals to write blog posts for this website. This is a part-time contract position, where the writer will be paid $30 per article to start and we are hoping for 4-8 articles per month.
- The writer must have a passion for Genealogy and consider Genealogy as their main hobby. We want someone that really enjoys living, breathing, talking about family history and research. We want someone that loves to help others and really enjoys all aspects of this topic.
- The writer will need to create their own original, unique articles. We want to start with at least 8 articles per month. Obviously this individual will need enough experience to come up with over 100 articles a year.
- Each article must be at least 500 words long.
- We encourage you to reference (link to) outside sources, other genealogy blogs, cemeteries or any related site that provides supporting information. If possible, images, photos, screenshots are excellent but not always necessary.
- You need to have good writing skills and the ability to accurately proofread your materials. These will be self edited articles and while we understand mistakes and typos happen from time to time, we obviously want to keep those to a minimum.
- Experienced creating blog posts is required
- Experience with WordPress is ideal but not required
We have about 20,000 social media followers in total so the articles will get exposure. This is a great opportunity for someone to build a name for themselves in the online Genealogy world. Our ultimate goal is for our writers to become permanent assets to the site where they participate in social media and site conversations.
If you are interested, please fill out the form below.
Rob Thomas & Dave Haas, Geneosity.com