The vast majority of people have family that served in World War II. In this two part series, I go over the World War II Veteran Award List that I found at the antique store and researched the soldiers on that list.
My goal is to demonstrate how to research WWII soldiers and to discover the fascinating stories of these honored veterans. As a bonus, some of this research may unearth information for people that search for these names on Google. At, we want to thank the men and women that served the United States in foreign wars and we believe their stories need to be told.
Below you will find an illustration of the possible discoveries we can come across as genealogy researchers. If you’re researching a World War II veteran there’s no doubt that you’ll find this body of work to be helpful and intriguing.
Where to Start
WOW, I don’t even know where to start! This has been so educational for me. I’ve been overwhelmed to say the least. Trying to find where and why? But I discovered a lot of information and resources I share below.
A little bit of curiosity took no time at all to become a quest to discover more information on this group of young men. Were they altogether in one company? Were they all prisoners of war? Continue reading below to find the answers to these questions and discover resources that will help you research your own family.
World War II Museum
Here is a beautiful site dedicated to WWII filled with information video and pictures. It may be one of the best resources for researching World War II veterans.
This museum is in New Orleans. The next time I get that direction I plan on stopping to go through it.
Right now there’s a special exhibit titled “In Memory of What I Cannot Say” showing the art of Guy De Montlaur. This art is dedicated to the life and work of this French artist who fought the Nazis. He was a member of the French army at the onset of WWII and with the Free French Commandos on June 6, 1944. There are even video interviews! It is awesome that we have these files of actual persons talking, in their voice of the experience. I plan on coming back to this subject and doing a piece on another family member that was on one of the ships at Pearl Harbor.
Here is a link to the recovery photos of the POW camp Nagoya 10-B, rescue effected on September 6, 1945. I have not found any of these names mentioned here but it has been well worth the read. The men of the camp were from the main Osaka Camp that was destroyed by an air raid.
There is so much information on this site, I could stay here for weeks reading. I now know what the AR 600-68 means on the document. I found a copy of the army regulations explaining who may earn these medals and clasps.
This information found here
This lead me to another list of men that received a similar award of APO 85 on July 10, 1944 at this link and here
Always Double Check
One of my research tips is to always check to see if the person you find is the right one. You can have a full name; first, middle and last and still have thirty plus individuals come up under that exact name. I have read for days and looked at so much. These honored men deserve to be HEARD and to be remembered!
Research sites used to find the men:
Research site used:
Research site used:
Transcribed copy
APO 713 (Nagoya, Honshu)
Under the provisions of AR 600-68, the fol(lowing) named EM, Hq Co Nagoya Base, APO 713, are awarded the Good Conduct Medal for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity:
Name ASN
Cpl John F. Clarke (RA) 42206494
I found more in this database on John Clark. This makes me think this group of men were all recalled to active duty because of the need, or were called to duty from the selective service draft cards.
This site let me put in the enlistment number or ID and this was really helpful. I was hopeful it would help me with one of the names down below on the list that I could not make out on the original paper but his number did not come up with a match. Heartbreaking, that it was not there and that on many of the sites are not updated with the men’s rank. It’s also sad to find that their award of decoration is not mentioned anywhere that I have researched so far. I do like that this site shows the men’s service insignias on the page.
Making Sure You Have the Right WWII Soldier
I will be listing as much information as possible in my research on each man so that the need for this information ends up being attached to the correct person. I have found that there are many, many men with the same names and even middle initials. This is important so someone does not just attach something without making sure. You have to really find a hard concrete connection. In the case of these men I have found a site where I can start with their ID numbers and not just a search for the name.
This can then lead me to name corrections if needed, a date of birth, and the state they were living in.There is more information like school, ethnicity, if he was married or had children and in a general scope the type of job he was working at before he enlisted. It may also tell if they enlisted because of selective service or other means. But there would need to be some studying on the codes used on the forms. These forms may also lead to the state of birth with further studies as well.
With all of this information from this one site I will be able to tell if this is the correct person by searching Google and other genealogy websites.
The Soldiers
Cpl Calvin E. Beitzel Jr 35857369
Calvin E. Beitzel enlisted in Cleveland, Ohio. Enlistment terms for these men were for the duration of the war or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law. His enlistment year was 1945. His birth year was 1926.
This site is easy to use and I have found several of the men listed here at this site. What I like about it the most is that it has their enlisted numbers available for conformation that I have the right person. You can click on their name and get more information as well.
One thing I have done while looking up these BRAVE men was whenever possible was to leave a message for the family, thanking them for this man for his service. Especially when I find obit pages.
Calvin served a total of 37 years in the U.S. Army during WWII in Korea and Army National Guard. Thank you Sir for your service!
T/Sgt Floyd C. Bennett 35089091
Floyd Bennett was from West Virginia, he was a miner and mining-machine operator in civilian life. He enlisted in 1944. His birth year was 1919. Second site information: He was also married, and his education level was Grammar School.

Tips and Surprises – Always Look For More
I am so glad I had more to go on for my research than just a name, the ID numbers are key in these searches because of the number of men in the service at the time. If you don’t have your ancestor’s military ID number and come across it in one of these references please make note of it. This can save you hours of chasing down information on the wrong person with the same name.
So here is how this search went down. If you Google Sgt Floyd C. Bennett, you get pages of names and dates of death. By using the link below I could match his military ID number and get some much needed information so I could find the right person.
At first I kept looking at a link showing him being in the Air Force. This particular link states he was born on April 3, 1924. You’ll notice this is different from the above date of birth. Also this link stated he was born in Mississippi and enlisted on December 9, 1944. All of these items are also different.
OK, I’m still digging to make sure! Next both records show he completed Grammar school, but they showed different occupations before enlistment. So, I am at the point that I believe these are two different men. Now on for some more proof if I can find it.
With the help of Find A Grave, I will conclude my search on this honorable man. Floyd C Bennett was born December 19, 1944 in West Virginia. He died June 28, 2008 at the age of 88 in Kentucky, and is buried at Lawrence Furnace Cemetery in Ohio. His Find A Grave id is 27924378.
Keep Looking for More Proof
If possible, try to find more that one item of proof, or several documents to offer a source when looking for someone in your tree or you may end up off track and not even know it.
I have found this to happen many times in the past. It is also best to do your own research instead of trusting someone else’s family tree when doing searches on websites because someone may have got in a hurry and not taken the best practice in their individual search. Then several people add a person and it may have been wrong one from the very beginning.
Cpl Boyd H.Brady 39939171
Boyd Brady’s residence state was Sanpete County, Utah, and his enlistment year was 1945, and his birth year was 1926.
Second site information: enlistment date January 12, 1945 at Ft Douglas, Utah, he was single and had four years of high school.
S/Sgt Raymond W. Atwell 31454434
Raymond Atwell was from Middlesex County, Massachusetts, was born in 1917, his civilian job was working in agriculture.
Cpl Vincent E. Courtois 37365428
Vincent Courtois lived in Missouri, was born in 1922 and was semiskilled to work with vehicles.
Second site information: He enlistment date was February 7, 1945 at Jefferson Barracks Missouri. He had one year of high school and was single.
S/Sgt James R. Blackburn 38634682 *** no record found to confirm id
Second site no record found by name or id number.
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id information and how the Army codes the numbers, I have learned that James was drafted and from Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Texas.
Cpl Everette F. Craver 44016330
Everette Craver came from North Carolina, was born in 1926 and was a single, farm hand.
Second site information: His enlistment place was Camp Croft, South Carolina, and his enlistment date was August 31, 1944.
S/Sgt George A. Bobik 33923673
Finally found a confirmation that I had the right person, the military Army numbers match up.
Photo credit:
George Bobik came from Pennsylvania, was born in 1926 and was single.
Second site information: his enlistment date was August 8, 1944 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He had four years of high school.
Cpl Charles A. Criss 33910778
Charles Criss was from Baltimore Maryland, was born in 1915 and had been working as a stock clerk. He was also a single man, and had completed four years of high school.
Which some of the men on this list did not. Some had only completed two years of school and had been working. This is a great site for this amount of information. Other sites could be used now to confirm that the right person was attached to the file.
Second site information: His enlistment date was February 23, 1945.
S/Sgt Don D. Bosik 39479869
Don Bosik’s home state was Washington, enlistment date was 1944, and he was born in 1924. He was single and worked on a farm at the time of enlistment.
Second site information: enlistment date was June 16, 1944 at Seattle, Washington.
Cpl Melvin J. Davis 35968762
Melvin Davis enlisted in Indianapolis Indiana, he had worked as an electrician and was married.
Second site information: He was born in 1918, his enlistment date was February 9, 1945 at Indianapolis Indiana. His education was Grammar School.
S/Sgt Dorris L. Garner 36949336 ***no record found to confirm id
Second site no record by name of id number.
So coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper I have learned that Dorris was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin. This will help if I come back and try to find more information on any of the men that I could not get a positive id number for.
Cpl Clarence J. Dauby 36938174 ***no record found to confirm id
Second site no record found by name or id number.
So coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper I have learned that Clarence was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
S/Sgt Ellsworth R. Hoagland 42182317
Ellsworth was from New York, enlisted in 1944, was single, was born in 1926, and had completed four years of high school.
Second site information: His enlistment date was September 25, 1944 at New York City, New York.
Cpl Herbart R. Hernung 37781940
Herbert was from Minnesota, enlistment was 1944, he was single with three years of high school and was born in 1926.
Second site no record found by name or id number.
S/Sgt Jake W. Howard 44037767
Jake Howard was from Georgia, he enlisted on the 27th of March 1944, was married, and was born in 1925.
His paperwork looked different like he had already been in the army and was recalled or moved from another section. I will be trying to come back and see if I can learn more about some of the codes.
Keep Looking, Don’t Give Up
Different sites have different information. Some sites have not been updated or could have mistakes. I have found and corrected some on my list and I wish the sites I was using had a place to add notes so I could leave some of my stuff for them to add to their page. I had some information on this list that would help them out.
Almost all of the other men I’ve been looking up, their paperwork stated they had been civilians. Some were in different parts of the service and had different states of birth, different years and so on. The only true way I could identify that I had the correct person was by the military ID.
You may be asking why am I still looking them up? Well, the first two or three men when I first started the research had showed up with many individuals with the exact same name. This site I’m working on now is an easy search using the ID number. This has made this research a great deal easier and makes me feel more comfortable that I have found the correct person to go with this award paper. I believe they deserve the recognition, they dropped everything in their life and went to help with the War.
Some may not have returned! Maybe that is why they are not listed on this site. But I will continue to look for each of them. They each deserve to not be forgot, or overlooked! I also just want to know more about this group of men and the reason they gained this recognition of honor.
Stay with me, I learn so much by the end of this search!
Cpl Willie C. Lane 44074267
Willie Lane was from Lowndes County, Georgia, he was born in 1915, and his enlistment date was January 31, 1945.
Second site information: He was married, had skills with automobiles and his education was Grammar School.
S/Sgt James H. Jolley 35237013
James was from Ohio, born in 1925 and was a farm hand. His enlistment date was July 6, 1944.
Second site information: James was single, education was Grammar School, he enlisted in Ft Hayes, Columbus, Ohio.
Cpl Joseph K. Lapka 37782412
Joseph Lapka had lived in South Dakota, enlisted on December 21, 1944. He was single and working on the farm. His birth date was 1922.
S/Sgt Vayden L. Murphy 44021691
Vayden Murphy was from Georgia, enlisted on November 22, 1944, was married, had completed four years of high school and was working on the farm.
Cpl Charles T. Lawrence 33954124
Charles enlisted on February 6, 1945, he was born in 1911, was married, and completed four years of high school.
Second site information: Enlisted at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
S/Sgt Paul L. Perl 35854684
Paul was from Ohio, his enlistment date was December 14, 1944, he was single, and had completed four years of high school.
Cpl Broneslaw Lis 36488435 ***no record found to confirm id
Second site no record found by name or id number.
So coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper I have learned that Broneslaw was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
Google search: I sure hope this is the same man, what an honor! Bronislaw (Barney) Lis passed on May 15 at the age of 89. He was born May 5, 1922. ( ***this would be a good hint that I found the right person). Barney was a veteran and designated Century Division Ranger, serving as a member of Company E, 397th infantry, 100th Division. His awards include the Bronze Star, the Victory Medal, the American Defense Medal, the Good Conduct Medal ( which would fit for this list ) and the European African Middle Eastern Service Medal.
S/Sgt Alvin L Scholes 34990740
Alvin Scholes was from Georgia, enlisted on May 13, 1944, and was married. He was born in 1915. Some of this could be wrong, he has two records under the same ID. The other one states he is from Tennessee, was born in 1910 and worked as a cotton ginner.
When Soldiers Names Become Unreadable
Anyone can make a mistake, paperwork goes missing, gets lost, or smudged. Just like this one! I have a name down below that I can not make out because it was where the paper was folded. Another spot has where a small hole wore in the paper and there are some letters missing.
The documentation I have even had a couple of mistakes on it. But by checking two or more items of proof you can figure out what was missing.
Cpl Ray L. Mattila 37780922
Ray is single, enlisted on December 8, 1944, his birth year is 1926 and he was from Minnesota.
S/Sgt Jack W. Scritchfield 39734496
Jack was from California, enlisted on January 3, 1945. He was married, had completed three years of high school and was born in 1918.
Google search found a possible: Birth date is May 31, 1918 ( year is the same ) this also has Grants Pass, Organ as an address. So this may, or may not be a good match. I would need to do research to find out for sure.
Cpl Jerold W. McGillen 39621423 ***no record found to confirm id
After coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper about the id number meanings, I have learned that Jerold was drafted and from Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, or Washington. This will help later on when I can find other sites and try and make a match.
S/Sgt William H. Weinkam 33960610
William was from Baltimore, Maryland, was married, born in 1918, worked in a office, and enlisted on February 2, 1945. (by enlisted it means that is when he showed up for duty).
Cpl James S. Moss 38702104
James was from Texas, he was single, born in 1926, worked as a clerk, and enlisted on October 10, 1944.
S/Sgt Ralph G. Wilson 36766922 ***no record found to confirm id
So coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper I have learned that Ralph was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
Cpl Stanley Papazian 39428359
Stanley was from California, he enlisted on December 12, 1944, he completed four years of high school, was single and was born in 1926.
Google search: Possible match. born September 20, 1926, had been living in California (all good possible match information) passed away March 17, 2009.
Sgt Norval J. Beeson 42192767
Norval was from New Jersey, ( born in Camden, NJ) he enlisted on February 20,1945, he was married, completed four years of high school, was skilled in pattern/ model markers and was born in 1921.
Ancestry search: Norval Joseph Beeson born November 2, 1921, (match) passed at age 78 in Fort Myers, Florida, on August 8, 2000. He was buried on August 13, 2000 at Lee Memorial Park, Fort Myers, Florida.
Cpl Ralph J. Rupp 39729418
Ralph was from California, he enlisted on September 29, 1944, he was single, had competed four years of high school and was born in 1926.
Sgt Rolson I Blasingame 38585808 ***no record found to confirm id
Possible match based on birth date and information of joining the army after graduation and serving for two years:
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Rolson was drafted and from Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Texas. So the above find a grave site could be a good match because it tells he was born in Foss, Oklahoma. He is buried at Amarillo and the only thing that concerned me about this being a good match is there was not a military marker. So this may not be the correct man. I will have to do more research to see somewhere down the road. I may go check this one out in person sometime because I go through all of this area pretty often.
Cpl Robert Sanchez 39054289 ***no record found to confirm id
After coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper about the id number meanings, I have learned that Robert was drafted and from Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, or Washington.
Sgt Allyn M. Brown 31476259
Allyn Brown was from Connecticut, he enlisted on Jan 26, 1945, was married, had four years of high school, had construction and maintenance skill and was born in 1909.
Ancestry search: Allyn Brown, Hartford, Connecticut. Enlisted in New Haven
Cpl Clifford A. Sell 16186296
Clifford was from Illinois, his enlistment date was April 16, 1945, he was born in 1927, had four hears of high school, was single and may have been a medical officer.
Sgt William J. Busam 44064580
William was from Mississippi, he enlisted on February 10, 1945, he had four years of high school, was single and was born in 1926.
Cpl David C. Smalley 35891628
David was from Ohio, enlisted on January 31, 1945, completed four years of high school, was single, and worked as a farmer. He was born in 1924.
Google search: David C. Smalley age 89 passed on June 6, 2013. He was born April 28, 1924. He was in the U.S. Army during WWII and served in the 41st Infantry and worked as a corporal under General McArthur.
Sgt Julius J. Weber 37709910
Julius was from Colorado, he enlisted on July 10, 1944, he was born in 1925, he did three years of high school, was single and working as a sales clerk.
Cpl Arthur E. Sparks 39484842
Arthur was from Oregon, he enlisted on February 26,1945, he was born in 1926, he had three years of high school, and was single.
Sgt Clyde J. Canovi 36923763 ***no record found to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper I have learned that Dorris was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
Cpl Jack T. P. Summerford 38605686 ***no record found to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Jack was drafted and from Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Texas.
Sgt Anthony Carrozza 33954266
Anthony enlisted on February 7, 1945, he had none year of high school, was married and his civilian job was in police service or public works. His birth year was 1916, and he had been living in Pennsylvania at the time of enlistment.
Cpl Joseph F. Unger 37365568
Joseph lived in Missouri and enlisted on February 10, 1945. He had four years of high school, was semi skilled with machine shop and related occupations, he was single and was born in 1926.
Sgt Edward J. Chuhanich 35842683
Edward enlisted in Ft Benjamin Harrison Indiana, and may have come for Ohio. His enlistment date is June 15, 1944, he was born in 1926 and was single. He had four years of high school.
Cpl Max Wagerman (Sr) 44068432
Had been living in Tennessee and enlisted on January 10, 1945 at Ft Oglethorpe Georgia. He was born in 1916, was married and had been working as a shipping and receiving clerk.
Sgt Lloyd K. Coon 37360884
Lloyd had been living in Kentucky and enlisted on February 5, 1945 at Jefferson Barracks Missouri. He had four years of high school, was married and was born in 1913.
Cpl Joseph M.Weishaupt Jr 35888951
Joseph enlisted at Ft Hayes Columbus Ohio, he had three years of high school, was single and was born in 1926.
Sgt Carl T. Davis 35823927
Had been living in Kentucky, his enlistment date is February 2, 1945. He was single, was born in 1926 and had knowledge of dairy products.
T/5 Gregory Anzur Jr 33964231
Gregory Ajzur had been making his home in Westmoreland county Pennsylvania. His enlistment date was January 31, 1945. He was born in 1919, and was semiskilled in machine shop occupations. He had only one year of high school and was married.
Sgt Homer J. Davis 36997267 ***no record found to confirm id
So coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper I have learned that Homer was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
I have not confirmed that this is the correct memorial.
T/5 Eugene L. Bennett 35785525
Eugene came from West Virginia with an enlistment date of November 11, 1944. He was born 1926, had done two years of high school, worked as a sales clerk and was single.
Sgt Delbert L. Evans 35966610
Delbert Evans enlisted at Indianapolis Indiana on December 28, 1944. He was married and was skilled in meat cutting and was born in 1921. He had two years of high school.
T/5 Richard A. Billingsley 38737581
Richard was from Polk County Arkansas. his enlistment date was February 10, 1945. He was born in 1926, he was single, and had four years of high school.
Sgt James W. Gaylard Jr 44056127
James was from Montgomery County Alabama, his enlistment date was February 24, 1945. He had done four years of high school, and his civilian occupation listed manager and officials. He was married and was born in 1915.
T/5 Lawrence B. Birdsong 44022634 ***no record found to confirm id
After coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this research about the Army id number meanings, I have learned that Lawrence was drafted and possible from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina or Tennessee…and a second site listed Louisiana as well for this area grouping.
Sgt Charles M. Gray 31419090
Charles was from Hampden County Massachusetts, his enlistment date was February 7, 1945. He did four years of high school, his skill was working with vehicles, he was married and was born in 1915.
T/5 James E. Black 36487370
James Black form Michigan has an enlistment date of April 27, 1946. Term of enlistment states one year. Another column states enlisted man, Philippine Scout or recall to AD (active duty) of an enlisted man who had been transferred to the ERC (exercise related construction).
What is a T/5? It surprised me! Understanding the titles!
Another learning piece. The T stands for Tech, and the number 3,4 or 5 is the pay grade according to level of skills.
There is also another column on this site with a different explanation of the T/5 or TEC 5. Those who held the rank of T/5 were addressed a corporal! But, most of the time were called tech corporal. These technicians had skills that were rewarded with a different pay grade distinguished by the number 5.
Sgt Ambrose G. Harris 36999192 ***no record found to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper I have learned that Ambrose was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
T/5 Darrell W. Blocker 38642868
Darrell was from Wise County Texas, his enlistment date was January 24, 1945. He was born in 1926, was single and had skills in mechanics and repair of motor vehicles.
Sgt Bruce W. Haun 6889932 ***no record found to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Bruce was drafted and from Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Texas
T/5 Wilbur G. Box 35857008
Wilbur’s enlistment date was February 3, 1945 in Cleveland Ohio. He was born in 1926, was single and had thee years of high school.
Sgt Gene Kumagai 35850131 ***no record found to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Gene was drafted and from Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, or Kentucky.
T/5 Forrest B. Cooper 37760719
Forrest Cooper was from Kansas, his enlistment date was January 31, 1945 in Ft Leavenworth Kansas. He was born in 1920, had three years of high school and was married working as a farmer.
Sgt George E. Lilley 30114086
George Lilley enlisted on December 8, 1944. He was born in 1922, had four years of high school, and was single.
T/5 Raymond S. Dodson 35785536
Raymond came form West Virginia, his enlistment date was November 11, 1944. He was single, was born in 1926, and had four years of high school.
Sgt James A. Lloreda 39595468 ***no record found to confirm id
After coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper about the Army id number meanings, I have learned that James was drafted and was from Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, or Washington.
T/5 Edward W. Hotho 33964936
Edward was from Pennsylvania, his enlistment date was February 9, 1945. He was born in 1921, had four years of high school, and was married.
Sgt Julius L. Marks 38609728
Julius came from Oklahoma, his enlistment date was February 6, 1945. He had four years of high school, was born in 1920, was married and was semiskilled in refining petroleum.
T/5 Harvey W. Johnson 37778063
Harvey came from Minnesota and his enlistment date was November 14, 1944. He had been working on the farm, was single, had done four years of high school and was born in 1923.
Sgt Richardson G. Pollock 36930144 ***no record found to confirm id
So coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper I have learned that Richardson was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
T/5 Alferd R. Kaufman 39734569
Alfred was from Kansas, his enlistment date was January 4, 1945. He was single, worked in farming, and was born in 1920.
Sgt Lytle H. Rakerd 37365616
Lytle was from Missouri, his enlistment date was February 10, 1945. He was born in 1926, had four years of high school, was single and had been work as a clerk in a general office.
T/5 Glenn E. Manis 35967808
Glenn was from Indiana, his enlistment date was January 25, 1945. He was born in 1926, had two years of high school, was single and his skill was in driving vehicles.
Sgt Robert B. Repko 33953788
Robert had an enlistment date of January 30, 1945. He was single, had thee years of high school, and was born in 1926.
T/5 Orazio T. Privitera 31484638
Orazio was living in Massachusetts, his enlistment date was February 6, 1945. He had four years of high school, was married, was born in 1918 and had skills in tinsmiths, coppersmith, and sheet metal.
Sgt Harry C. Royer 33880929
Harry’s enlistment date was January 8, 1945. He had two years of high school was married and had skills in manufacturing. He was born in 1917.
T/5 Harold L.Sackreiter 37777345
Harold had been living in South Dakota and his enlistment date was October 27, 1944. He was single, had four years of high school and was born in 1924.
Sgt Robert D. Sanders 35970867
Robert enlisted onMarch 8,1945 in Indianapolis Indiana. He was born in 1926, had four years of high school and was single.
T/5 Robert E. Schwader 37784329
Robert was born in 1926, was married, had four years of high school and had been working on the farm. His enlistment date was January 18, 1945.
Sgt Paul W. C. Santelman 13142225
Paul was born in 1926, was single, had three years of high school and his enlistment date was January 15, 1945.
T/5 Leslie G. Schearer 38609609 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the Army id numbers code I have learned that Leslie was drafted and from Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Texas.
Sgt Louis G. Seibert 35825727
Louis was living in Kentucky, was born in 1926, and was single at the time. His enlistment date was March 6, 1945.
T/5 Henry B. Snyder Jr 35089824
Henry was born in 1921, enlistment date of June 13, 1944, form Maryland and was single.
Sgt George H. Tuttle 38594954 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that George was drafted and from Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Texas.
T/5 Darwin M. Terwilliger 36927601 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Darwin was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
Sgt Paul H. Tyson 33840519 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Paul was drafted and from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, or the District of Columbia.
T/5 Delbert L. Timperley 37760374
Delbert Timperley had been living in Nebraska, his enlistment date was January 27,1945. He was single, had one year of high school and worked as a farmer. His birth year was 1922.
Sgt Allan M. Vance 36922101 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the Army id number code I have learned that Allan was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
T/5 Glenn A. Wall 37783118
Glenn was born in 1924, his enlistment date was January 6, 1945. He worked as a farmer and was single.
T/4 Fenton E. Fidler 36927190 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Fenton was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
Pfc Charles H. Alexander Jr 38704532 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Charles was drafted and from Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Texas.
T/4 Kenneth G. Johnson 36906579 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Kenneth was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
Pfc Ellis R. Andrews 37749634
Ellis Andrews enlistment date was August 12, 1944. He was single, born in 1926, and had been living in Kansas.
T/4 Samuel Z. Kobran 42164953
Samuel was from New York, was single born in 1921, and his enlistment date was January 27,1945.
Pfc John R. Armstrong 44075042
John was from Georgia, was born in 1926, was single and his enlistment date was February 15, 1945.
T/4 Jack H. Mortimore 35964312
Jack Mortimore was single, was born in 1926, and his enlistment date was November 14, 1944.
Pfc Willard L. Arnett 35974861
Willard was born in 1926, was single and his enlistment date was February 9, 1945.
T/4 Hebert A. Pitman 37787312
Herbert was from Minnesota, his enlistment date was February 17, 1945. He was married and was born in 1915.
Pfc Thomas J. Ashton 36488773 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Thomas was drafted and from Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin.
T/4 Joseph W. Sparks 3596868
Joseph was from Indiana, enlistment date of February 8, 1945, he was married and born in 1917.
Pfc Robert L. Baldwyn 44064478
Robert was from Mississippi, was married, born in 1926 and his enlistment date was April 5, 1945.
T/4 Theodore F. Stazko Sr 6888998 ***no record found this site to confirm id
Coming back from the information I found at the bottom of this paper, using the id I have learned that Theodore was drafted and from Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, or Texas.
Pfc Joseph A. Balko 33926044
Joseph was from Pennsylvania, was born in 1926, was single and his enlistment date was September 15, 1944.
T/4 Jack R. Younie 37598586
Jack was from South Dakota, his enlistment date was July 8, 1044. He was single and born in 1926.
Pfc Thomas K. Baten 38576652
Thomas was from Texas, his enlistment date was January 4, 1945. He was single and born in 1926.
Continued – Part 2

Jena spends her time researching her family tree as well as others. She travels, visits cemeteries and other historical places while gathering and collecting old photos, albums, scrapbooks and other pieces of memorable history to study and share. Jena is a retired teacher, has served as president with her local Historical Society, and maintains a community history page. She also loves photographing historical reenactments, cemeteries and historical places.