How would you like to amaze your grandchildren! A Tip You Don’t Want to Forget…
While you are working on everyone else’s leg of the tree, you can write some amazing stories about yourself.
If your parents are already gone, start writing out all those great memories you have of them. It may not be something you can just sit down and write just like that! But as those memories come (and they will) – write them down.
I was out walking a little while ago and took some pictures of all the wildflowers around my mother’s house. She loved wild flowers and birds. She would just sit on the front porch and listen to the birds singing and love every minute of it. Those type memories cannot be replaced or captured in a family tree unless you plan a way to include them.
I usually take photos of all the things my mother talked about that meant a great deal to her. I add the photo with a caption. That gives the reader a sense of what the person was really like.
Holidays and Special Gatherings
Write down memories of all the holidays, gatherings or reunions with your family. If you have photos of the events you can add them to the mix to share.
One of my grandchildren had to do a memory board for a school project. Showing things that would tell a story about her grandmother. She called me up and wanted pictures of me and things about my life. She was in shock, she couldn’t believe some of these stories. It was a great thing for her to see and hear about. She was excited to learn about what her grandmother had done.
This is my grandfather in the back of the boat! I remember going fishing with him. He was a real outdoor kind of man. Always went on vacations and hunting trips. I have no idea who is in the boat with him, but I know they are at Lake Leon around Eastland, Texas.
Revisit Photos Frequently
Always go back and look at the photos. Something will click out of the blue and you will have another clue.
Today, for the first time, I noticed the numbers on the boat. When I took a trip a few years ago to see where he lived, there were a couple of old boats like this on the property. I do have a few pictures I took while I was there. But now I want to go back and see if one is this boat! Call me crazy, I call it sentimental! And I’m so glad I chose this picture to share with you now.
Your grandchildren will understand how important it is to you when you share these stories. This is a great way to ensure that someone will embrace the continuation of all your family research.
Some of them will be excited. If not now, then later in life they will take an interest. I even leave little notes for them. I want to peak their interest while making sure they understand how important it was to me.
I wish I had talked more to my mother about her own life. We did talk a great deal but always about all the other family. Don’t forget the people right there close to you or you may have a story you forget to document.
How many of your grandchildren have even seen a picture of you when you were young? I don’t think my granddaughter had until the school project came up. Most of my younger years my own children have not even seen. Everyone is busy doing so many other things.
think as grandparents we need to sit down with our grandchildren and go through photo albums with them and talk about “the good ole days.” I hope you do! Always enjoy those moments. They are so precious!
Jena spends her time researching her family tree as well as others. She travels, visits cemeteries and other historical places while gathering and collecting old photos, albums, scrapbooks and other pieces of memorable history to study and share. Jena is a retired teacher, has served as president with her local Historical Society, and maintains a community history page. She also loves photographing historical reenactments, cemeteries and historical places.