Rescued School Yearbook – Plainview, Texas
There are some surprises in this college yearbook….. take a look!
I wonder just how cool it would have been to say you went to primary school at Wayland Baptist College? Yes, some of the photos area little blurry.
The pages are made of something that is a shiny paper they are hard to photograph.
Plus, I’m trying really hard not to bend it open to much because it is literally falling apart! The more I handle the worse it gets. So with that said, I have done the best I could do at getting copies of it. But it is still a gem!
If you find a family member in the yearbook and you would like an individual photo of that person, let us know and I will be happy to help you get that photo for your family tree.
Some pages have been cropped a little so you can see them better as well. I hope you find one your relatives here, mine are the Hamiltons.
Wayland Baptist College
The Traveler – Volume III – Plainview, Texas May 1916 – Number 1
Mre. J. H. Wayland – Dedication – “The world hath not another of such a finished, chastened purity.”
Linnie Wimberly, Robert Reeves, Verlin Reeves, Jewell McCall, Flora Best Hopping, Addie Bourland, Lester Hartley, Emma Pool, Mr. T. L. Girault
“The staff at work”
Dr. J. H. Wayland – Founder
History of the College
(names on this page) I. E. Gates, Judge T.D. Webb, W.B. Joiner, Jno.T. Hamilton, Dr. J.H.Wayland, R.J. Goode, Thornton Jones, E.C. Commack, B.F. Dixon, J.W. Winn, G.I. Britain, L.G. Wilson, W.A. Donaldson. Jno. G. Hamilton, R.E. Bell, Professor Wray, Professor Reynolds, Professor Nelson, Professor Stephens, Dr. O.L. Hailey, Dr. Gates
“Wayland ‘O Mine” – Willie D. Rumple
An Appreciation – Rev. I. E. Gates
T. D. Webb, C. V. Bryson, Jno. J. Hamilton, G. W. Foster, Dr. J. H. Waylane, Rev. J. W. Winn, R. J. Goode, Dr. J. E. Nunn, J. L. Overall, L. M. Blakemore, J. W. Boswell, J. W. Willis, B. L. Shook, J. M. Malone, T. W. Sawyer, R. E. L. Farmer, R. M. Irick, H. L. King, Rev. J. B. Cole, H. J. Dillingham
Dr. O. L. Hailey
Mr. J. C. Stephens, Miss Sarah Burr Goode, Miss Mary McDonald Williams
Mr. I. L. Girault, Miss Attie Stevens, Mr. B. J. Thomas
Mr. S. M. Wilson, Mrs. J. E. Watson, Mr. J. E. Watson
Miss Frances Ford Jeter, Miss Bess Brown, Miss Ophelia Donnell
Miss Stella Waters, Miss Lessie Belle Walker, Mrs. J. C. Hunt
Elmer Childress, S. A. Tibbets, Mary Lipscomb, Josephine Donelley, Susie Glenn, H. W. Smith, J, M. Pickett, T. H. Reynolds, Lois Reynolds, Lula Goode, John Wayland, Lorene Boswell, Pauline Gates, Mrs. Jenkins nee Virginia Dalton, Josie Goode, Mrs. Craig Gilleland nee Prudence Bower, Callie Glenn, Claudie Quisenberry, J. F. Nix, Tate Fry, Vera Fry, Bragg Cammack, Mable Dagley, Kathleen Joiner, J. L. Bagwell, Nannie Mae Lewis, Robert Hailey, Murtice Saffle, Harvey Rankin, Gladys Thomas, Gladys Overall
Senior Class Motto
Lester Hartley, Robert Reeves, Flora Best Hopping, Verlin Reeves, Robert Reeves, Jewell McCall, Emma Pool, and Addie Bourland
Class Song
Robert Reeves, Emma Pool
Verlin Reeves, Linnie Winberly
Addie Bourland, Flora Best Hopping
Jewell McCall, Lester Hartley
Syble Perry, Louise Stockton
Blake Bolton, Flora May Scudder
Euno Wallen
History of Senior Class or A Voyage Through Wayland – Verlin Reeves
Senior Class Prophecy – Addie Bourland
Senior Class Poem – Robert Reeves
The Junior Class
Mollie Goode, Norman Hailey, Jones Goode, Blake Bolton, Willie D. Rumple, Florence Patton
Walter Phillips, Lois Hatcher, Norman Hailey, Jones Goode, Flora Mae Scudder, Willie D. Rumple
Edith Kiser, Blake Bolton, Florence Patton, Hardie Hay, Mollie Goode, Scott Bolton
Junior Class Poem – J.G.A.
The Junior History – Norman Hailey
Junior Prophecy – Mollie Vernon Goode
To a Junior
The Sophomore Class
Otis Dillard, Utah Sanders, Dixon Turner, David Hailey, Bunyan Hale, Lillian Cooper, Claude Gooding, Mellie Turner, Clara Turner, Paul Flake, Vinson Lawrey, Loyd Hartley, Floyd Ellington
Otis Dillard, Utah Sanders, Dixon Turner, David Hailey, Bunyan Hale, Lillian Cooper, Claude Gooding, Nellie Turner, Clara Turner, Paul Flake, Vinson Lowrey, Loyd Hartley, Floyd Ellington
Freshman Roll
J.B. Johnson, Lenna Cox, Bessie Simpson, Ruby Curtis, Charles Webb, Thelma Reeves, Bonner Davis, Ogal Baker, Grace Tilson, Mary Wayland, Lena Davis, Virgil Dodson, Lena Cox, J. B. Johnson, Rose Jones, Utah Sanders, Bertha Crow, Bessie Simpson, Ruby Curtis
Charles Webb, Thelma Reeves, Bonner Davis, Ogal Baker, Grace Tilson, Mary Wayland, Lena Davis, Virgil Dodson, Lena Cox, J. B. Johnson, Rose Jones
(also listed as Freshmen are: Rose Jones, Utah Sanders, Bertha Crow, Bessie Simpson, and Ruby Curtis. But I see no photo for them here with these.)
Ninth Grade and Eighth Grade Classes
A Dog Trade – C.H.
Intermediates and Primary Classes
Fine Arts Department
A Peep Into Bohemia
Students Art League
Ethel Stevens, Willis Brooks, Anna May Wilson, Euna Wallen, Vera Perkins
Expression Class
Vergil Dodson, Louise Stockton. Coline Hatcher, Ogal Baker, Lucile Goodwin, Blake Bolton, LaVerna Hopping, Norman Hailey, Syble Perry, Vonson Lowrey, Boss Baker Euna Wallen, Dixon Turner
Choral Club and Physical Culture Class
Voice Class
Blake Bolton, Edith Hiser, Tom Fletcher, Eunice Floyd, Boss Baker, Vera Perkins, Syble Perry, Claudie Quisenberry, Irene Crow, Ray Ivy, Mrs. J.E. Watson, Lenna Cox, Flora Mae Scudder, Hebert Payner, Charles Webb, Buster McCan, Harel Knupp
Violin Club
Hurt, Cole, Fowler, Brooks, Mise, Morris, Scudder, Stevens
Philharmonic Club
Philomathesian and Mu Sigma Rho Societies
Blake Bolton, Edith Kiser, Scott Bolton, Bessie Lee Whitesdes, Hardie Hay, Verlin Reeves
History of the Philomathesian and Mu Sigma Rho Societies
Beta Gama and Euglossian Societies
Mr Billberry, Mollie Goode, Dixon Turner, Mary Wayland, Willie D. Rumple, Flora Besst Hopping
History of Euglossian and Beta Societies
Philomathesian Hall and Euglossion Hall
Philo Debaters and Euglo Debaters
Willie D. Rumple, Norman Hailey, Blake Bolton, Hardie Hay
Oratorical Association
Robert Reeves, L.A. Hartley, Willie D. Rumple, Scott Bolton, Rev. Bilberry, Hardie Hay, Blane Bolton, Mr. Stegall
Intercollegiate Debating Team
Blake Bolton, Willie D. Rumple
“This debate was held with Goodnight College on the evening of March 17, 1916, at Wayland College. Wayland was victorious.”
History of the Students’ Christian Association – Addie Bourland
Needle Craft Club
Verlin Reeves, Edith Kiser, Mrs. O. L. Hailey, Flora Best Hopping, La Vera Hopping, Bessie Lee Whitesides, Addie Bourland, Mrs. J. C. Hunt, Irene Crow, Jewell McCall, Verlin Reeves, Edith Kiser, Mrs. O.L. Hailey, Miss Bess Brown, Eugene Calwell
Mechanic Club of Wayland Baptist College
Ogle Baker, Fred Scott, J.D. King (others were not named on this page)
Der Deutsche Rlubb (The German Club)
(no names listed for this page)
Spanish Club
Reeves, Bolton, Gooding, Hale, Patton, Ellington, Turner, Davis, Myse, Hay, Davis, Lowry. McCall, Dodson, Dillard, Turner, Baker, Kiser, Pool, Hatcher, Ellington, Hopping, Tilson, Goode, Cox, Goode, Turner, Hartley, Flake
Presidents’ Club
Hardie Hay, Bessie Lee Whitesides, La Verna Hopping, Willie D. Rumple, Scott Bolton, Robert Reeves, Mr. Bilberry, Blake Bolton, Verlin Reeves, Ogal Baker, Mr. Smith, J.R. Daniels, Dixon Turner
Scene from Virginia Reel and Scene from Fast Friends
To the Football Men of 1915-16
Football Boys
Robert Reeves, Hardie Hay, Bunyan Hale
Floyd Ellington, Ogle Baker, Vinson Lowery
Virgil Dodson, Leslie Johnson, Norman Hailey
Utah Sanders, Claude Gooding, Charles Webb
J.B. Johnson, Odis Dillard, Blake Bolton
Boys’ Basketball
Charles Webb, Utah Sanders, Bun Hale, Otis Dillard, Claud Gooding, Virgil Dodson, Ogle Baker, Hardie Hay
Girls’ College Basketball Team
Miss Stella Wolters, Mr. T.L. Girault, Bama Davis, Elsie Whitesides, Flora Best Hopping, Velma Griffith, Florence Patton, Lillian Cooper
Mary Wayland, Lois Hatcher, Addie Bourland, Linnie Winberly, Bessie Lee Whitesides, Lenna Cos, Irene Crow
Intermediate Basketball
Annie Joe Gates, May Pierson, Sarah Waylane, Vera Hamilton, Allene Boswell, Bertha Lee Harldston, Grace Thomas, Annie Lou Northcutt, Kate Bryson, Annie Mae Wilson, Lucile Goodwin
“Wayland College’s First Grandchild”
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byars (nee Miss Grace Livesay.)
Wayland Business College – J. E. Watson
Post Graduates
McGee, Hailey, McGlassen, Ansley, Broddy
Business Seniors
Myrton Malsted, Bessie Whitesides, Eunice Floyd, Laverna Hopping
Velma Griffith, Mary Wise, David Hailey, Harold Knupp
Fay Ham, Elsie Whitesides, Eugene Colwell, J. D, King
Bookkeeping Department – Shorthand and Typewriting Department
Bus 1 Club – Business Club
Census of Business Department
Stella Stalcup, Marye Russel, Eugene Caldwell, Eunice Floyd, Fay Ham, Jewell McGill, May Mise, Mary Etta Brown, Elise Whitesides, Bessie Whitesides, Velma Griffith, Laverna Hopping, Harold Knupp, David Hailey, J. B. Johnson, Leslie Johnson, J. D. King Myrton Milstead
Caught in the Lariat – By Jones Goode
A Strange Coincidence – Helen May, Jim Norris, Mrs. Norris, John Miller, Fred Ross, Nell – By Emma Pool
Jack and Jill – H. B. H. ’17
Stella Gates Hall Girls
Who’s Who, and Why – By Flora Best Hopping
(Faculty mentioned with in the pages:) Dr. Hailey, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Thomas, Miss Williams, Miss Goode, Mr. Girault, Miss Walker, Mrs. Hunt, Miss Brown, Miss Donnell, Miss Wolters, Miss Jeter, Miss Stevens, Mr. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Watson
To our Subscribers
R. & Millinery Co., Home Restaurant, Bens’s Barber Shop
Charles Webb, Dixon Turner, Scott Bolton, Utah Sanders, Vera Perkins, Flora Best Hopping, Burr Goode, Hardie Hay Blake Bolton, Bunyan Hale, Willie D. Rumple Lester Hartley
The Ruby and Olympic Theaters, City Bakery, the Hallmark Store, Irick & Company
Plainview Mercantile Company, The Crystal Cafe, Texas Utilities Company
The R. A. Long Drug Store, Sewell Grocery Company
(Mentioned on the page:) Miss Walters, Charles, Webb, Edith, Englo Hall, Girault, Adam, Mr. Stevens, Miss Donnell
Richards Bros. & Collier, J.J. Lash Real Estate, E.R. Williams, Baker & Winn
Carter – Houston Dry Goods Company, J.W. Willis Drug Company
Kash Kandy Kitchen, The Elk Barber Shop, Mae I Theatre
Night Before Examination – Robert Reeves
Jacobs Bros. Company, Donohoo – Ware Hardware Co., Frank’s Necessity Store, The Temple of Economy
(mentions on the page:) Mr. Girault, Scott, Bolton, Bourland, Miss Vera Perkins, Mr. Lowry, Blake, Jewell McCall, Jim Stevens, Minnie, Utah Sanders, J.B., Vera, Bessie Lee, Turners, Linnie, Florence, Addie, Mrs Junt, Vera, Hardie, Jewell, Robert, Emma
Third National Bank, The Henry E. Hagood Way
(mentions on the page:) Hardie, Florence, Bill Rumple, Florence, Jones
Citizen’s National Bank, Garrison – Connor Electric Company
(mentions on the page:) Professor Stephens, Miss Goode, Miss Williams, Mr. Thomas, Miss Walter, Lois, Miss Burr, Miss Williams, Flora Besst, Charles Webb
Waller Tailoring Co., Overall’s Sale and Feed Barn – J. L. Overall, Alfalfa Lumber Company – J.W. Patterson
Seniors Vow – Mr. Stevens, by Eunice Floyd
Reinkins, E.N. Egge Auto Company, Dye Drug Company, Dollar Bill Tailoring Co.
Wanted to Know (mentions on the page) Mrs. Girault, Leslie Johnson, Mr. Stevens, Coach Thomas, Mrs. Hunt, charles Webb, Miss Burr, Paul, Miss Goode, Hardy, Linnie, Addie, Jewell
The Praetorians – D.W. McGlassen, C.A.Bowron, Hotel Ware – J.A. Testman, R.C. Ware Hardware Company, Long – Harp Drug, Plainview Hardware Company
The Worn Out Staff

Jena spends her time researching her family tree as well as others. She travels, visits cemeteries and other historical places while gathering and collecting old photos, albums, scrapbooks and other pieces of memorable history to study and share. Jena is a retired teacher, has served as president with her local Historical Society, and maintains a community history page. She also loves photographing historical reenactments, cemeteries and historical places.